So I'm going to go ahead and tell you....you might as well skip this post.
There's no point behind it.
For some reason..at 3AM...I woke up..
And I have been WIDE AWAKE since.
I'm not fully rested at all. I had gone to bed around 11:30. That's not much sleep! Did I mention it's my day off too? I think part of the reason I woke up is because my stomach is so empty. I only ate twice yesterday. I know...not smart. To be honest I haven't been much in the eating mood for the past few days.
Yesterday we had to put my cat to sleep. My baby girl Precious. She would be turning 16 in September. She was given to me as a gift when I was 4. My family knew the time would come, she was getting more and more sick as time went on. Yesterday was very rough...to say the least. This was the first time I have ever experienced having to put a pet to sleep. But I do feel a lot of relief knowing she is finally out of pain.
Now, on to a brighter note. I have my appetite back. I am craving so many different things right now, it's ridiculous. But I think I need coffee first.
Oh yea...THAT topic. I've been meaning to write a blog about it...and since I'm being the king of random this morning...let's fire away. I know many vegans/vegetarians/healthy people in general frown on coffee. I have tried to cut it out. I really have. I've even succeeded before! But then I end up consuming my weight in coffee in one sitting. Don't get me wrong, I drink tons of water too. But I just can't completely give up the coffee! People often tell me it's a caffeine addiction, but I assure you it's not. I have had caffeine addiction before..not fun. I just really love the taste of coffee! Decaf, regular...whatever! I'm like the Whitney Houston of coffee...I do so well, then hit rock bottom and down an entire pot of coffee in an hour. In my last relationship...my ex wouldn't even kiss me if I was drinking coffee. We all see how THAT turned out! Ok, so I can't blame that one on coffee. What are your views on coffee?

Final randomness. I turned on VH1 this morning, and to my surprise and absolute ecstaticness this video was on. I just love this song. It's one of those great windows down in the car, sing at the top of your lungs kind of song.
I'm so sorry about your cat! Its good that you got up and did something productive instead of laying in bed. I hate insomnia. It usually happens to me when I change my diet or I have a lot on my mind. I love that song! It reminds me of Roller Land in 8th grade.