Monday, May 31, 2010

oh yea...summer is fast approaching

Tomorrow is the first day of June. This means a few thing- 1)Tomorrow is Alanis' birthday! 2)Friday is my birthday! 3) It's hotter than the hinges of hell! One thing you can always count on in south central PA is summers that make are at times unbearably hot and humid. And everyone knows that Tommy does not respond well to high heat and humidity. I become very mean and pissy (just think of Roseanne in the later years). I wanted to blog a few weeks ago, but life has been quite crazy. I met a guy, we clicked, we hung out, he made me feel like I was a prince, and now he's gone. I come to find out that he likes to make a game out of younger guys. Luckily I have standards. I was really really hurt by this and basically shut down for a few days. I mean I friken Bella Swaned out. Not that he was in any way shape or form Edward...but i was blind sided. No worries though, I am back from the dead. The whole thing actually inspired me to write a piece that I am very proud of. I even had a "You Oughta Know" moment and posted it on facebook. It's still there...and no one has commented on it. I guess it makes people feel uncomfortable. Speaking of "You Oughta Know", did you watch American Idol? Me neither. But I did watch the Alanis performance, it was great! Except for that Crystal chick singing. My favorite show is about to end it's second season. I don't know how I will last the summer without the wonderful Jackie Peyton. Luckily I'm turning to Weeds. You heard me. I'm definitely late catching on, but thanks to On Demand I am now hooked on the show Weeds. It's funny, sad,'s life. So friday is my birthday...and I can't help but get a little excited. I don't know why this always happens. My family hasn't really acknowledged my birthday for a few years now. Not since I came out. But even though there are no longer any problems, I guess they don't see the reason to pick up the celebration. Oh well, I'm just turning 20. I think I shall buy myself some vinyl. Maybe I'll finally order all of the Tegan and Sara albums on vinyl. Oh, it get's me giddy just thinking about it. On a random note...I'm wearing shorts for the first time in about 2 years...I feel like a slut...