Friday, January 10, 2014

2013 Recap and 2014 Resolutions

Well, another year is over.
Another chapter has closed.

I hope you all had a wonderful New Year. Can you believe how fast 2013 went?! It's insane!
I was lucky enough to bring in the New Year with the stomach flu. I haven't even had a cold in two years, but this was how I was christened for 2014.
2013 was one huge roller coaster ride of a year.

I hit a point where I hated my job so much, I became seriously depressed every day I worked.
I discovered that I'm not a total freak ( bite your tongue)
I realized my doctor did NOT have my best interest in mind
I had a slight meltdown
I had a not so slight meltdown
I had Titanic sized meltdown
I quit my job
I found an amazing school and enrolled
I started a new job that I love
I've made amazing friends that I know will be around for a very long time

Take a gander at the above list, again. Do you notice something? For a while, I have a lot of really crappy things happening to me. It got to the point where it was all just too much to handle, and I cracked.
I cracked WIDE open.
And then the light finally came in.
Once I let some light in, everything started falling into place.

Am I always walking on sunshine and thinking "Golly, life is perfect!"
Of course not. But I now see that when bad things happen, it doesn't mean that they are necessarily bad. They're experiences. They are occurring because we need to learn from them. Something is coming our way that we may not be prepared for or may not have the correct tools to deal with, so we have to get through the tough stuff first.

What does this have to do with you?
Have you given yourself any New Years resolutions? Think about that. I, personally, think New Years resolutions are dangerous. You're giving yourself a specific start date for change to happen. So in 2 months when you aren't where you wanted to be at that time, then what? Throw in the towel? Figure out what isn't working and change that? Most people go with the first option.

So, do me a favor. For the new year, please don't be so hard on yourself.
You'll get discouraged, absolutely.
You'll get knocked down, brush yourself off.
You'll hit some road blocks, accept them.
They are there for a reason. And if need be, hit back even harder.

Focus on your health. Both mental and physical. Don't torture yourself with excruciating diets. I'll soon have my health coaching business up and running. Give me a call. I'm here to cheer you on and help you be as happy and healthy as you can be.
Meanwhile, head over to my Facebook page and give it a "like" for updates and tips.

Be kind. Be curious. Be determined.