Monday, May 6, 2013

Tofu Scramble By A Psycho


It has been an interesting few weeks! I have learned that I can not trust my doctor. Read my last post. I called him immediately and heard back from his receptionist two weeks later. He then claimed that I have completely made up High Sensitivity and wanted me to sign off on psychiatric treatment. 


Yes, so I will no longer be going to that doctor.
I still plan on posting some videos about being an HSP, but I think I will go about it differently. I posted some links in a previous post that talk about what an HSP is and isn't. It really can't get any more direct. Well, it can, but I'll let you do your research if you're interested. So, if you have any questions, ask them and I will respond in a video! 

Now, onto what this post is really about. 
Yes, delicious, yummy, incredible food.

The other morning I made something that I would consider one of the easiest and tastiest things I have ever thrown together. 

Tofu Scramble.

I have made tofu scramble before. It just wasn't that great. It wasn't horrible, but it wasn't something I'd make often. It's kind of the vegan equivalent of scrambled eggs. I kind of have a love/hate relationship with tofu. When it comes to me actually making something with tofu, it's usually a hate relationship. 

I mean, there's a reason the stuff gets made fun of a lot. It can be pretty gross. 
But not with this tofu scramble. I'm going to tell you how to make it, then you can thank me. After you eat the entire pan. 

Start off with a block of extra firm tofu. Drain all of the water from it (it's best to do this the night before, you'll see why). You will need to put all of your weight into pressing all of the water out. But it will still be a soaked block of tofu. So, put the block on a plate, put another plate on top of it and place in the fridge. Put something heavy on top of the plate, so that it puts weight on the tofu. I used a big ole bottle of wine. Don't judge. Leave it there over night. 

The next morning, chop up half of a yellow onion and saute it in about a tablespoon of olive oil until it's a nice golden color. Dice up half of a green bell pepper and throw it in as well. Using a fork, a masher of some sort, or your two clean hands....smash the hell out of the tofu until it's all crumbled. Throw it in the pan! Don't forget some mushrooms! If you're like me and love mushrooms, throw in crap load of mushrooms. 

Now for the seasonings. 1 tablespoon of onion powder, 1 tablespoon of garlic powder and a few splashed of soy sauce and a few sprinkles of turmeric.  Let them all get happy in the pan for a few minutes until the the tofu starts looking like scrambled eggs. You'll know when it's done. Pile a heaping mound on your plate and top it off with some Daiya shreds and there you go. A plate of heaven. 
You're welcome. 

Be kind. Be curious. Be hungry!
Oh, and be aware that your doctors may not have your best interest at heart.