Monday, March 7, 2011


"There is no difference in what we're doing in here
That doesn't show up as bigger symptoms out there
So why spend all our time dressing our bandages
When we've the ultimate key to the cause right here
Our underneath..."

I can't believe it's March already! I have to say the first 2 months of the new year have been pretty great for the most part! I have myself a new guy, a great guy. A guy that puts up with all of my shit and still texts me from the time he wakes up to the time he goes to bed and visits every weekend. He lives a little over an hour away, and while it is a pain, it actually isn't too much of a problem. Not seeing each other just isn't an option. It feels good to be in a secure relationship. Oh and did I mention he is vegetarian turning vegan...just like yours truly!

Speaking of, I have been eliminating more and more animal products from my food and just about everything else. When I first read Alicia Silverstone's The Kind Diet, I quickly realized I couldn't eat meat anymore...but I never really thought about becoming a total vegan. Now..I feel like it is the obvious, most practical thing to do. I feel confident and secure with my decision, knowing that I will be getting the nutrients and protein that I need. All it takes is some education and common sense. I will probably be focussing this blog more on my vegan journey and what not..because I hope that my journey could possibly help even a few people with their own journey...or maybe even just open some eyes about the practicality of living a kind life! But no worries, I will still be throwing in my two cents on random things and giving you little tid bits about my relationship. It's nice to not only have a partner in the relationship sense, but with becoming a vegan as well.

My guy, I shall just refer to him as J, has been a vegetarian for 4 years now and will be making the vegan transition next month. I have been a vegetarian for just a little over a year (January marking the anniversary). J has never read The Kind Diet, so I've been trying to fill him in as much as possible. It really is just opening your eyes and realizing that as humans we take SO MUCH from our planet and from other living things, and rarely give back! I could go into a huge rant right now, but I'll save that for a later date ;-) To my readers...however few you may be...look for some changes in the near future. I have become quite a passionate person... with the planet, animals, LGBTQ rights and many other random things...that I feel the need to share and hopefully enlighten some people or at least come some of you involved in things you're passionate about! Till next time!

So vegetarianism and veganism isn't for you? You may be surprised! Challenge and enlighten yourself!

The Kind Diet

The Kind Life

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