Oh, the changes that have occurred!
Greetings blog readers! It sure has been a crazy summer! It began in April with a mini breakdown of sorts, I started school in July and a new job at the beginning of this month!
It seems that after feeling that life had become pretty stagnant for a few years, it just took a little emotional/spiritual/mental breakthrough (or breakdown) to get the ball rolling. I am a firm believer that, no matter how hard you try, the right things will not come to you until you are ready for them. And no amount of my kicking and screaming was going to change that.
As I mentioned, I started school in July. I am taking a one year course at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. It's an online course that has a kind of go at your own pace way of teaching. Part of the stagnancy I experienced over the past few years was largely because I just didn't know what to do with my life. I have never really been one to go with what everyone else is doing, and I knew that going thousands of dollars in debt for a degree I likely wouldn't use just wasn't an option. Nor was it an option to get a full time job working in a warehouse (pretty much the only two options around here for a twenty-something year old). I want to help and educate people, save the planet, not neglect myself for my job (a BIG no no for an HSP).
One day I was browsing the discussion forums on TheKindLife.com and found a lot of people talking about IIN. I figured it sounded too good to be true and was probably a scam. So I Nancy Drew'd the hell out of it. While there are the occasional disgruntled students, it seemed like the perfect thing for me. Within 2 weeks, I was signed up and within another two weeks classes began! Once again, thanks to Alicia and great, fellow Kind-Lifers, my life has changed!
IIN trains you to become a health coach so you can help yourself and others! And instead of it simply being about what you eat, it focuses on the health of mind, body AND spirit! Perfect! Though only a little over a month in, I can't wait until I start taking on clients! More to come on that as it unfolds...
Another big change is my new job. I worked in the coffee shop for 4 years.
That's a long time to work in a coffee shop.
Let me rephrase. That's a long time to work in a coffee shop that does very little business and for a company that knows very little about coffee shops.
I needed out.
I am now working in a large bookstore. Is it an incredible job that makes me want to do a handstand and skip around all day? No. But it's a much needed change until I can start taking on clients and getting a little extra income.
For the first time in a pretty long time, I can say that I'm pretty content.
(Please note: I am a Gemini and being content is often a passing state of mind.)
Until next time, which hopefully will be sooner rather than later.
Be kind. Be curious. Be patient.