Well, I had about 2 holiday related posts planned...
Then the holidays happened...
And the posts didn't...
I don't really have anything to say about the holidays because they didn't seem very holiday-ish this year. And now it's 2012! Wow! 2011 went by crazy fast, yet parts of it seem so far away. At the end of each year I usually make a massive post about my life over the past year. This year, nah. Why rehash all of the ups and downs? Why not just cherish, learn and grow from them? I like that idea. At the beginning of each year I also usually say that I'm going to do this and that and the other thing. This year, I'm still doing that to an extent. I'm doing it for myself, and myself only.
I know what my goals are for the year.
And I'm not talking about being a better person or donating more. I feel like that should be an everyday goal, not some distant thing that you feel is something nice to strive for.
I'm talking about life changing things.
I know what those goals are.
You don't.
And that's ok.
I have noticed over the past year that when I speak of my current situation and my future plans, I know what I need to do for me. But others overruled my plans/ goals as "ridiculous" or "wishful thinking". I was told that I was "existing, not living". That was a knife in the heart. Just because you THINK you know a person, it doesn't mean you do. There are days when I feel so full of life and love that I can hardly handle it! I contribute to the universe numerous ways, every day. As does everyone! It's in your hands to make it a positive contribution. This year I am making sure I don't let anyone get me down with THEIR negativity.
Contrary to popular belief, the Mayan calendar does NOT end in 2012, but instead begins a new cycle. Apparently 2012 is to begin a sort of spiritual rebirth for the universe, ourselves, mankind, etc. If this is true, then I am beyond excited. I think we all need a rebirth, but why wait for some prophetic calendar cycle to run out? I hope that in 2012 we can all begin to love and accept and tolerate and embrace and grow. Let's put an end to radical politics and using religion as a weapon. Let's finally open our eyes and hearts to what goes on our plate and into our bodies, as well as what is ripped from our ground and and being buried under concrete, what's being thrown in our streams and oceans, what's being poured in our waters. Let's love, laugh, give, live! Let's think of health not as a pesky thing we have to keep checking on, but a beautiful gift to take care of!
I am so grateful for YOU.
You who read my blog, who comment, contact and follow me on twitter. Who offer your opinions, advice and gratitude for my posts. I want to continue sharing as much as I can. I have most recently started another blog. It's called Jagged Little Thrill. It's a space where I can share some of my writings and hopefully connect with you on a different level. There is some light, some dark, some beauty, some reflection. I hope you continue to enjoy this blog as well as my new blog and are eager to share with other readers.
May the year bring you all you deserve. Be kind, be curious, be positive, be reborn.
For all of you :-)